Thursday, September 29, 2011

15 Green Things

This was probably my favorite assignment so far, and I'm pretty happy with my end result. I had another one up before, but I decided to edit it. I made the cat darker, got rid of the green in the little kid (bottom right corner), and moved around a few things. I found this project rather similar to cards I make every holiday or family birthday, but better.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crazy Combo

There are 12 different "parts" of 12 different animals in this picture. I enjoyed this assignment, I thought it was interesting. I was pretty indecisive one which animals to use where, but overal I'm pretty satisfied. The lizard-hawk thing in the top left corner used to look like something in a creepy puppet show, glad I could fix that. :-P

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Have you seen my goat?

I decided to use a picture I found of two mountain goats and get rid of one of them. Along with the lamb, some rock and vegetation left, but it's not too bad. It took me a while before I found a picture to use, but I thought the rocks would do nicely. I like this picture, I think it would be better if I could somehow keep the mossy stuff around the lamb, but it didn't work too well when I tried.