Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy Holidays!

For my holiday card, I went to Tiny Prints and after a while of browsing I found a layout I liked. I thought the birds were a cute touch and I liked the colors. For my "dummy" family, I chose the Munsters! I thought it was amusing. I liked Tiny Prints, I checked out al the websites and it was my favorite. However, I wish they would have more of a variety of layouts.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


This was a group project (my partner was Maddie), and I apologize if some of the text is hard to read, black was the best color I could find. Anyway, in this comic, Dr. House is on vacation when he stumbles upon Dr. Who (5th season) who is sick. Dr. House and his team eventually find out that Dr. Who was poisoned. The, Dexter overhears the poisoner talking about poisoning Dr. Who, and gives him what he deserves (like he always does in the show). We used our own backgrounds, and found the people online (obviously). I thought this was a fun project, took a while, but I enjoyed it.