Monday, March 19, 2012

Animoto Video

Animoto Video

For my choice of pictures, I mainly just did my favorite. For the video, I did the "Fire" theme, and i was really indecisive when it came to the music, but I finally just settled on an electronica song.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Where is the marine animal?

I'm keeping it vague because if I didn't, it would give it away. I chose this picture as a background because it provides a lot of options for places to hide things. I wish I could write more, but it's rather difficult without giving away what's hidden.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Color Wheels

I really liked this project once I understood it, and I prefer this picture over my second one. This was the one that I used pictures from the internet, so I decided to use zebras. For the gradient map, I used the orange/purple-ish choice on the orange zebra, and for the filters, I just did the color for the zebra.

I used a picture I got of a crow sitting on a light post. Unfortunately, the birds are a little small, but I do still like the picture. I used a gradient map on the purple bird, and used photo filters like I did on the last one.