Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Visual Puns

Har har.. chocolate hearts. :-P This is probably my least favorite of them all, it was fun to make though. My original image made the heart look more like chocolate, but then I noticed we had requirements for each image. Anyway, I used the inverted/reversed gradient map (the brown colored option) and I think it turned out OK.

This is definitely one of my favorites, I thought it turned out pretty well. I took a snake from a popular-ish picture (I've seen it in a lot of places. It's of a snake in the desert striking at a lizard with a ladybug (i think) in the background, made it black and white, added a filter to it, and added it to a picture of some frost. I had to look up on the internet how to make text look icy, but it was worth it. For the requirement, I posterized the background.

This one turned out pretty ok, not my favorite, but I'm fond of it. I took a picture of an apple, then took chunks of a pine tree and pasted it on to make it pineapple. Then I replaced an apple in a picture of a fruitbasket with the "pineapple", and posterized the background fruits. In the corner I wrote on the white strip of what I think table cloth, but I figured it could work as a little strip of paper with a note on it.

I think this one ties with the "Frostbite" picture for my favorite. It's supposed to be an eye full with a watch. I took a picture of a normal eye (I found it on google images), added some exposure, contrast, I also used the burn and dodge tool a lot. After that I took a picture of a pocket watch and fooled around with it until I was satisfied. I used the black and white gradient map at the end.

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